
Ibis Paint X Features is a leading digital art platform that offers a plethora of tools and functionalities to cater to artists’ diverse needs.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional, Ibis Paint X Features has something extraordinary in store for you.


In this comprehensive article, I will delve deep into the world of Ibis Paint X Features, exploring its various tools, interface, and unique capabilities.

I’ll showcase how this app can elevate your artistic journey and unlock your true potential. So, grab your stylus, and let’s embark on a creative adventure with Ibis Paint X Features!

Ibis Paint X Features

Let’s take a look at all the exciting features that this app has to offer:

Check on varied tutorials from YouTube

In the beginning, Android users will have access to easy and user-friendly instructional videos available on the official channel of ibis Paint X on YouTube.

It’s extremely helpful for those who are new to the field to understand how they draw as well as how to avoid common errors. All you have to do is sign up to their channels to get updates and news.

Smooth and accurate drawing experiences

Due to the speedier GPU and the use of OpenGL technology, ibis Paint X provides a more comfortable and smooth drawing experience than the bulk of apps on the Android platform.

This implies that you could draw at a rate of up to 60 frames per second. In addition, your device does not have to be the latest in order to use ibis Paint X properly.

A variety of helpful features are only available on drawing software for computers.

If you’re looking for an app that can draw on your Android devices that is comparable with the top drawing software they use on their computers, ibis Paint X should be the first choice.

With 142 brushes, including the most well-known and popular ones, such as airbrushes, digital pens oils, and many more it is easy to draw high-quality artwork with your mobile devices.

Additionally, there’s also a variety of brush parameters, which allow you to modify the characteristics more widely.

Make sure to share your artwork with others.

For those who enjoy sharing their artwork with other people, ibis Paint X will certainly satisfy you with its Live Recording feature.

With a simple swipe, it is easy to begin recording your drawing progress from your smartphone. Once you’re finished it’s just some steps to post your work online.

Make your own tutorials for drawing and encourage online artists to get their pencils. However, you could also look up other’s tutorials and discover useful techniques using ibis Paint X.

Explore the amazing possibilities for customizing your own options

If you are a digital artist, the layer feature is definitely one of the strongest tools for making digital art. This is the reason you require it in your drawing software.

Also, ibis Paint X, being number one on our recommended list, is sure to give you these incredible features. In fact, you could create any number of layers you require.

It’s all dependent on the hardware you have however we don’t think it will ever reach the limit.

Free to use

With all the amazing features the app offers and more, it’s a bit surprising to learn that it’s accessible to Android users to download.

All you need is just a few minutes, and you’ll be able to have an excellent drawing application for your smartphone.

Although it does have some advertisements, however, your experience won’t be likely be impacted. It’s sufficient for even professionals to appreciate.


In conclusion, with its remarkable features and versatile tools, Ibis Paint X empowers artists to explore their creativity like never before.

Whether you’re a professional artist or an aspiring creative enthusiast, this digital art app offers an exceptional platform to bring your imagination to life.

Embrace the power of Ibis Paint X and witness the magic unfold on your digital canvas.


Q. What are the main drawing tools in Ibis Paint X?

Ibis Paint X offers a diverse set of drawing tools, including pens, pencils, airbrushes, watercolors, and more.

Q. Does Ibis Paint X support layers?

Yes, Ibis Paint X supports multiple layers, allowing artists to work on different parts of their artwork independently.

Q. Can I use blending modes in Ibis Paint X?

Absolutely, Ibis Paint X provides various blending modes to mix colors and create unique effects between layers.

Q. Are there different brush settings in Ibis Paint X?

Yes, Ibis Paint X offers customizable brush settings, such as size, opacity, hardness, and spacing, to suit different art styles.

Q. Does Ibis Paint X have a selection tool?

Yes, Ibis Paint X includes selection tools like rectangular, circular, and freehand selections, enabling precise edits on specific areas.

Q. What is the ruler tool in Ibis Paint X used for?

The ruler tool helps in drawing straight lines, curves, and ellipses, ensuring accurate and controlled shapes in the artwork.

Q. Can I use reference images in Ibis Paint X?

Yes, Ibis Paint X allows artists to import images as references, making it easier to draw complex subjects or maintain consistency.

Q. Does Ibis Paint X have filters and effects?

Absolutely, Ibis Paint X offers a wide range of filters and effects to enhance and stylize artwork, adding various artistic touches.

Q. Is there an “Undo” option in Ibis Paint X?

Yes, Ibis Paint X has an undo and redo feature, enabling artists to revert or redo their actions during the drawing process.

Q. Can I export my artwork in different formats with Ibis Paint X?

Yes, Ibis Paint X allows you to export your artwork in various formats, such as PNG, JPEG, or PSD, for sharing or further editing.